Thursday, August 14, 2014

Shout out! #7

So far it has been a very hectic Summer for us at Ġugar! We have moved our stall from Valletta to Sliema in July to participate in the Sliema Street Art Festival. This has been a great experience for us, since we are all fans of street art and urban culture. With the help of Hedon promoters, we set up a stall at the Exiles beach and took care of serving food to the hungry crowd at the Alternative stage. We also set up our little chill-out area next to the stage, and this practically meant we took almost all of Ġugar! with us. But although we were pretty much exhausted by the end of the weekend, it was a great opportunity for us to experience being part of an event that has the potential to grow in terms of quality and quantity of people that attend year after year. From here we give a shout out to Putting Colours in the Street for giving us this opportunity!

Back in Valletta, we were busy coming up with new recipes for smoothies and juices, using as much as possible the sweetness of fruit that the summer season provides to us during this time. Our strawberry smoothies, and watermelon juices were a big success. We are also now making use of the aloe vera plants that a friend donated to us, by making fresh juices straight from the plant. 

All of this, while trying to find the time to enjoy the beautiful sea and swim as much as possible!

Last week we also hosted the birthday party for The Piece of Sheet. The Piece of Sheet is a sheet (duh) that is published by an anonymous autonomous collective of University students.. After a year of publications they decided that a birthday party celebrating their first year in existence should be held, and we were both surprise and happy that they chose Ġugar! To host their party, as we are also fans of their publications. You can view their publications here:

In the coming weeks we will be hosting another film night, this time proposed by another friend of ours who is involved in the activist scene in Serbia. More information will be available through our facebook page in the coming days.

Time really flies by, and soon enough another Notte Bianca in Valletta will be upon us. Notte Bianca of last year was when we first opened our doors to the public, taking that big step in the dark, not knowing what was next. We didn’t even know or plan when to open officially – we just opened our doors even though the basement wasn’t even ready to host guests. Next day, we went to clean up, and found friends and people waiting for us to open our doors, and we have been open since then. Here we are now, with one year almost behind us – and an opportunity to review what we have been through and plan for our next term. So it is great pleasure that we’ll be thinking on what we come up with for our first birthday party! If you have any wild ideas, let us know!

 See you soon!
-  The Ġugar! Crew

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