Monday, October 28, 2013

Shout out! #1

It's been a crazy 4 weeks since we opened up our doors to the public, and since then, we have had an amazing feedback from a lot of cool people! It seems like a bunch of people already understood what we wanted to create out of the Ġugar! space: a warm, welcoming and inexpensive place where it feels like home...tea, beers, books and toys.  A space for good living!

Today we celebrate the birth of the Ġugar webpage!  We promise to keep this space updated with news and crazy ideas from the Ġugar! crew.

Here are some pictures to show you what we have been up to:

Here is the lovely Alina, a german girl who volunteered to decorate our room downstairs, and Rico giving her a hand (or pretending to :P).  We will use this space soon for events, exhibtions, workshops, film nights and more!

This is a picture of our accountant trying to figure out our mess with numbers...

Our friend from Limoge [FR], Brozer has hit Ġugar! and spray painted our walls last week.  Here are some pictures of him in action  

We have also finally concluded the list of competitors in our friendly chess tournament which will start on Thursday 31st October at 6pm.  These are:

Reuben Spiteri, Neville Bone, Christian Muscat, Jean Paul Gove, Frederick Abdilla, Mark Szoldan, Ken Cur, Nelson Cachia and Luke Buhagiar.

People who just happen to want to watch the games are welcome to do so.  We also have a celtic round chess board if there is anyone who is willing to try it!

We close off our first shout out with a Ġugar proverb:.  "If you seek enlightenment, wash the dirty dishes!".  Until next time, tata!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Friendly Chess Tournament at Ġugar!

Everybody should have the opportunity to at least learn how to to play the ultimate board game.  We'll be holding our first friendly chess  tournament soon at Ġugar! every Wedensday evening. Anyone who is interested in taking part, please send us an email on, or leave your name and contact info at Ġugar! More information will follow once a substantial amount of people join in! In the meantime, don't forget to have a look at the About section to check out our new opening times!